
Faster Than Light is a pop-rock band based out of Rockland County, NY. FTL is the brainchild of guitarist/songwriter Keith Lenn, a mainstay in the Rockland music scene for over 30 years. Fronted by Ken Reedy, and with long-time drummer Doug Maresca and workhorse bassist David Greenberg,  FTL puts together a brand of pop-rock not heard since the early 1990s. Fans liken FTL's sound to that of the Gin Blossoms, the Lemonheads, and Pearl Jam.

Oh, man! It's been a while! Aloha!

You probably thought I took a nap and forgot to wake up!

I needed to take a little break from Faster Than Light endeavors… been so busy with The Maniacs and Zer0… and work and family responsibilities… it's just been crazy!

Here's what's going on…

I am still writing and recording new Faster Than Light. There WILL DEFINITELY be a new record! I just don't know when… but it is coming!

I'll be contacting my good pal Marco to help me finish mixing the next track called Desiree very soon and then we are full speed ahead. There are several songs in various stages of “undress” (and dress) and I hope to be able to share them with the world soon!

I love you all and will see you soon!

Keith (or KJ if you will…)

FTL in the studio tonight! 

I am excited to announce that I actually got a few hours of studio time in to work on a new Faster Than Light song with vocalist David Brown from “Up ‘n’ Mary's Room” and Marco Ferreira from “Uninvited.” With two tracks completely finished for an upcoming release, tonight saw work on the next single titled “Desiree.” The song was written around thirty years ago when I was living in Albany, New York and it is about a five year old girl named Desiree in a pre-K class I was teaching in and all of the boys in the class thought that she was their girlfriend… so it is a little bit on the cute side, but we also allowed Desiree to grow up a bit in the song… Here are some studio pictures from tonight. I hope we can get the song released by the end of March.

David Brown reviewing some freshly-laid down vocal tracks…

Marco Ferreira at the helm… sweeping with threshing oar!

Studio Selfie!

July 2022 

Happy July 2022! So... once again it has been a long time since I have written here and updated the page.

Due to a medical emergency back in April I have taken things slow... too slow... I've taken a short break from recording the new Faster Than Light CD, but please know five songs are in varying stages of recording and mixing/mastering. So while we are behind schedule, we are still on track to get this new music out to you all!

I've actually played a few gigs with Zero since my short hospital stay and we are playing again at Casa del Sol in Nyack, NY on July 29th. If you find yourself just north of NYC that day, please drop by and say hello! I've also started jamming with a band up in Connecticut called Vinyl Notice. It's a lot different than any other band I have been in, though there is some overlap. It's catchy, danceable 80s and 90s rock and pop with some other stuff thrown about...

Also, I would be remiss not to send out a thank you to Tom Hilton, Tom Aldora,and Aldora-Britain Records for all of the recent Facebook love! It has not gone unnoticed!

Until next time!





It's been a very very long time since I've posted here. There have been a lot of ups and downs the last few months... lots of frustrations recording the new Faster Than Light cd... I won't go into details, but I actually disbanded the band and then today undisbanded the band, if that's a word...! 

Things with Zero are going well, although I had to miss a gig with them the other night due to a medical emergency... I'm fine, though I needed a couple of nights in the hospital. See picture below - I look great! Ha ha!

That's me in my home office - April 10, 2022 - still alive!

I won't go into any details as to what happened, but it was life or death! And I survived, came out of everything pretty amazingly normal! I'm sure some new songs I write and record will drop some hints as the near-death experience has given me so many ideas for songs. I'm exaggerating just a little, but only a little. It could had been bad, but here I am... 

So after exchanging some texts with the guys in FTL, we are back on track to finish the next phases of recording. I'm excited. 

I also wanted to share a podcast link with everyone. Rui Marques, of MusicSuccess.com, , interviewed me as part of his podcast series to discuss the different levels of success in the music industry. Our nearly-hour-long discussion was revealing and honest and I think you will enjoy it. The link is here: Music Success Podcast Featuring Keith Lenn and Rui Marques

I hope to be able to post more frequently now that my world has been placed in a different perspective. 

Hope you all are making music and enjoying music! 


Faster Than Light news! 

There's a lot of Faster Than Light news lately as the band continues recording their follow-up CD to 2017's "Now We're Speaking French." The first single, "Someone I Know," has already hit radio and charted at number 4 on the Banks Radio/Valley 95.5 FM charts in Australia and has been featured on Beacon, NY's WHUD as part of Andy Bale's Artist Spotlight series, the second such time for Faster Than Light! Also, the official Red Thunder anime video was released to the world and features some really cool footage to accompany the song! 

On November 19th there will be three FTL surprises! Faster Than Light t-shirts will go on sale on this site as well as Faster Than Light Official Site. There are two more surprises, but you'll have to wait until the 19th to see what they are! I'll drop a hint below!

Faster Than Light and Aldora Britain Records!  

Once again, Faster Than Light has teamed up with Tom Hilton at Aldora Britain Records to bring a Faster Than Light tune to the world of indie and underground music! FTL's new single, "Someone I Know," appears on the new Aldora Britain Compilation "Rise to the Top" and is featured as track 9. The entire compilation is strong and showcases artists from around the world. I'm honored that Tom has included FTL on this compilation.

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